join Realtyjoy 

RealtyJoy agents refer buyers and sellers to active agents.

Work as much as you like

Most of our agents work 2-4 hours per day doing what they enjoy.

submit referrals

Fill out our easy-to-use online referral form.

live the good life

Earn a reliable income while ejoying your retirement years.

About Us


RealtyJoy was born out of necessity. As the owners of a multi-state, 20+ office real estate brokerage in the Upper Midwest, we needed to find a way to help some of our senior agents transition to the next phase in their lives and careers. They were ready to retire, but they wanted to keep their real estate license active so they could continue to make referrals and earn a steady income into their retirement years. So that’s what they did. They kept paying the fees, they kept paying the dues, and they kept referring business to active agents…but something just didn’t seem fair.

As a high-performing brokerage with billions of dollars in sales, we belong to the MLS, our state and national associations, and have other fees that all of our agents are required to pay. Again, while these costs are just a normal part of doing business in our world, we didn’t think it was fair for our retired and semi-retired agents to have to pay these costly fees and dues – especially when they were not utilizing the services.

After several months of research and development, we launched RealtyJoy on Jan 1, 2022 as a $29/mo Non-MLS brokerage with no MLS dues, no association fees and no E&O costs. All of our retired agents immediately moved their license over and instantly added thousands of dollars to their bottom line. There has been so much excitement around RealtyJoy that we decided to open it up to agents and brokers across the country that may find themselves in the same situation.

We invite you to contact us with any questions or apply today to join our growing team!

Your Leadership Team

With billions of dollars in sales and more than a century of real estate brokerage management experience, we’re here to help you achieve your goals in the next phase of your career.

Dave Gooden

Randy Johnson

Diane Pogatchnik

Ron Walters

Cameron Henkel

Agent Testimonials

I wanted to keep my license but I didn’t want to pay all of the fees associated with it. RealtyJoy was the perfect fit for me. It really is a no-brainer.

Joan Grover
joan grover

RealtyJoy, Agent

RealtyJoy has allowed me to continue earning a real estate income while living abroad. I work a couple of hours in the morning and enjoy the rest of my day.

Bill Brakken
bill brakken

RealtyJoy, Broker Associate

RealtyJoy is a real estate brokerage designed to deliver value to agents and brokers as they enter their retirement years.

You have built value and equity during your real estate career. RealtyJoy allows you to unlock that value without all of the costs associated with hanging your license at a traditional brokerage. No MLS dues, no association fees, no hidden costs.

RealtyJoy agents help their buyers and sellers by referring them to pre-screened, active real estate agents. Whether you want to send referals to your favorite agent or let us do the legwork, together we’ll make sure your clients are well taken care of.

Most of our agents work a few hours per day keeping up on their relationships. Phone calls, emails, social media posts. The key to a successful career with RealtyJoy is to actively communicate and stay in front of your past clients and sphere of influence. 

Let’s Keep Things Simple…

No MLS fees.    No Association Dues.    No E&O costs.    No Minimum Requirements.

Agent Costs

State License Transfer Fee  +  $29/mo

Continuing Education (as applicable)

State License Renewal (as applicable)

Referral Commission Split

75/25 (agent/brokerage)

90/10 after 12 referrals (calendar yr)

Automatic Deposit


You have questions. wE have answers.

If you can’t find the answers to your questions on our website, please feel free to contact us.

Why should I join RealtyJoy?

Great question! There are several reasons to join RealtyJoy. The main reason agents join our brokerage is to lower the costs involved with keeping their real estate license active. Why pay the high fees and dues of a traditional real estate company when you no longer need those services? 

What is the Referrals For Life™ System?

We have designed an easy-to-follow system that provides a daily list of “things to do” that will help you mine and grow your database of past clients and sphere of influence for referrals. Following RealtyJoy’s Referral For Life System™ is not required, however, if you would like to ensure a steady stream of referral business well into your retirement years, we highly recommend following our system. Work as little or as much time as you like…it’s completely up to you!

Can I list and sell properties?

No. RealtyJoy agents use their license to refer buyers and sellers to active agents. We do not list and sell properties.

Can I list, sell and/or purchase my own properties?

No. RealtyJoy agents are referral agents only. Our agents refer their listing(s) to a trusted agent and receive a referral commission upon the successful purchase or sale of their own properties.

Do I have to work with RealtyJoy preferred agents?

No. If you know an agent that you trust to take care of your clients, you are free to work with that agent.

Are there any other costs?

No. The cost is $29 per month with a 75/25 split on all referrals. Agents are responsible for their own state licensing fees and continuing education costs.

Is RealtyJoy licensed in all 50 states?

Not yet, but we’re working on it. We encourage you to apply now as we will have nationwide coverage very soon. If you are a broker in a state where we are not yet licensed, we may have an opportunity for you.

Does RealtyJoy have local offices?

No. RealtyJoy is a “virtual” real estate brokerage. Our agents and brokers work from home (or a coffee shop, or the beach). 

Apply Today!  It will only take a few minutes.